Thursday 28 July 2011

The surgery

Ok so I left to go to the hospital at 110, arrived at 145 exactly, and I went straight to admissions to sign in. I then got taken up a level to a small waiting room where I had a nurse weigh me' and test my blood pressure ect. She said at first my temperature was too high, but the room I was in was so hot and i had my jacket on. Luckily the anasteasiest came in and took over and tested my chest and he said I was fine to go through to surgery. He was incredibly nice, even the nurse said so haha.

Anyway so I was then taken to a small ward where I had to put my gown on, which as very unattractive at the back mind you! I stayed in that room for about 2 hours. Here is a pic of me with my gown on.

 I also needed to go to the toilet while I waited, and as I went to open the door some guy was in there pissing and he didn't lock the god damn door! So i went back to my room laughing hysterically. I eventually went and a nurse man wheeled me' to the opposite aide of the building to the pre op waiting room. On the way I farewelled my mum and my partner.

the last blow

So I was left for about an hour waiting, then my doc came to visit and just explained again what he was going to do in the procedure, and he said all the best and he will see me' the next morning. The aneseasiast came and wheeled me' into the op room. I got placed on the op table and for the 4th time had to repeat my name and date of birth. I then had a wonderful chat before I got put to sleep, he was asking me' what I do and told him I worked for revlon, and apparently he sold revlon products when he used to work at a pharmacy haha. Mex thing I knew I was awake with a gas mask on after the procedure in the recovery room.

I was then being wheeled to my ward, and on the way I saw my family and partner there sitting down with balloons, and the nurse guy said oh are they your fan club? Haha.

me arriving to my ward from recovery room

 So I as in my room, the nurse took off the gas mask and I had a sandwich with beef ( eating was the last thing I wanted to do) and I explained how it went even though no one told me, I was just guessing haha.

straight after surgery...suprisingly remember this!

side profile after surgery

 My family could only stay 15 min coz it was passed visiting hours. So they left me' with 2 get well balloons and a kiss, and also my partners scarf which accually helped me' alot throughout the night. Anyway i was on no pain, my throat was just very sore and my eyes heavy, but it was no pain what so ever :)

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