Sunday 31 July 2011

Day 3

Well last night i had a little trouble sleeping, my neck was so sore and i think i bumped my nose while i was sleeping because i remember a slight bang on it. Luckly i fell asleep fast and didnt wake up in the middle of the night.
I havnt coughed up any gunk but there still is some in my throat i can feel. I have a really bad headache today and i am taking panadol for it. Ive been slowly walking around the house so im not lying down all day, and building up my headache, and my face is looking pretty good at the moment, only slightly yellow around my cheeks and under my eyes, not much bruising....yet haha.

I find that when i eat my throat is much better, though i cant have any hot food, mainly toast for now. My stomach is feeling a little yuk  due to the medication ive been having, which is causing constipation, but ive stopped that medicine so hopefully i can eventually go.

Tomorrow i go to see my Dr for a check up and hopefully he can either remove the cast or at least the dry bloody in my nostrils. It hurts everytime i laugh or smile.
Well here is my day 3 picture...again not pretty, but i cant wait to see the final result, i know it is all worth it.

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