Friday 22 July 2011

final appointment with Dr Tim Hewitt

Well today was my final visit with Dr Hewitt. I arrived at 9am and was called into his office, i also had my dad come along with me, so he could understand what i was going to go through. Basically he explained everything over again, and asked me if there is anything besides the hump i dont like about my nose. I suggested to him that my nose was slightly on an angle, and that the tip was a little big. I asked him his opinion and he said he would remove some cartilage from the tip of my nose, and also it will straighten naturally when the hump is removed. He knew exactly what i meant when i was saying the tip was too big, he reworded it as to put it in proportion when the hump is removed.

He explained everything so clearly that i had only 1 or 2 questions to ask. Even my dad was amazed in how the method he is using is so simple and he knows exactly what he is doing, and that it will be very unnoticeable scarring. For anyone who doesn't know what i am getting, it is an open in fracture rhinoplasty procedure.

He showed me recent post opp photos of noses that were simular to mine, and he showed me one of this girl who was accually the one who told me about Dr Tim Hewitt. He then took photos of my nose for records and also explained that during the surgery he has them up on the wall to look at for guidence and all of his drawings to what he is going to do.

He told me that i am the  perfect caanditate for rhinoplasty because i have an obvious hump. He told me how he dislikes performing the proceedure on patients that don't really need it or it isn't obvious. But its how ever you feel about yourself that is important i guess.

From there i spoke too his secretary about times and details about fasting for the day of the surgery. I am schedualed for 1:45 pm and i have wait approximately 2 hours before the surgery. I'm told to bring magazines or a book because of the long wait, and then i will be accompanied by a nurse who will prepare me for the surgery. Of course i will meet my anaseisist beforehand.

So it is offical now that payment is all done, and i am very VERY excited til next week! I have started to prepare myself by buying button up shirts/pj's and making everything easy to access so i don't have to bend over to get anything i need while i am healing.

I cant wait now i am very confident it will go great!

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