Tuesday 16 August 2011

Just a quick blog

i forgot to update about my checkup appointment, i went in to the checkup room and he had a look and told me there is still a little more change  to happen in my tip, it should pinch in a tiny bit, but the swelling will go down.
He was very happy with my nose, it is just how he wanted it, and i am very happy with it.
The nurse took a few pictures, and i am to have another checkup in 3 months time :)
So he told me i can basically do everything as normal, and dont worry about my nose at all.
I had my first shift at work today, people noticed a  difference but they were all positive about it, they said it looks great :)
Not one negative comment ive had, and serving customers every second on checkout didnt  make me feel as conscience as i was before, now i dont care if they look at me haha.
Anyway i'll report back when something exciting happens :)

Thursday 11 August 2011

2 weeks post op

Well it has been  two weeks since my surgery, and i am so happy with my results. My nose is still numb at the tip and heavy at times along the bridge, but half the time  i forget i've had it done and thankfully i havn't bumped it.....yet anyway.
I have started to get into my regular exercise routine, but not lifting as heavy weights and still going a bit lighter. I can sleep fine and i can do everything as per normal.
Here is a few pictures of how i am looking. I still cant believe its still swollen, i cant even tell it is, and its just going to get better and better.
I also have a checkup with my doctor on Monday to see how my healing is going.

Saturday 6 August 2011

Day 9

healing process is going very well! I am so happy with how it looks at the moment, even though the swelling still has to go down alot. Anyway here is a picture with makeup on finally haha.

Thursday 4 August 2011

Day 7

Today has been exactly a week and the results are amazing! I got my stitches out today, it hurt a bit but it was quick. My nose is still very numb and sensitive, so i have to be very careful not to knock it. I can sleep fine and eat good, and i went to the shops for the first time, it was wiered coz i still had my scar under my nose but people didnt even look twice at me, i felt normal haha.
Anyway this is what i look like so far :)

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Day 6

Best sleep so far, actually woke up with no headache, and finished taking my antibiotics. I am able to eat as normal and haven't taken anything for pain as there is none what so ever. Here is a few shots of my nose a the moment.

Monday 1 August 2011

Day 5

My sleep last night was probably the most comfortable i have had yet. I think mainly due to me being able to breath and not having a cast on my nose which made my sleep more comfortable. I woke up with a dull headache but i took panadol and it was gone.
Nothing much has changed, just getting  used to it now i guess, here is a pic i took this morning. Noticeable swelling but i am still happy with it so far.